Staying Cool While Camping in Colorado's Summer

Summer has finally officially begun and things are really heating up. With temperatures nearing 100 degrees lately it can seem almost impossible to stay cool especially if you want to go camping and/or hiking. However, there are plenty of ways to beat the heat this summer, all you need are a few helpful tips.


The Basics

Let's review the basics before we move into some more creative tips. The absolute most important thing to remember while camping on a hot day is to stay hydrated. Humans tend to sweat more in the heat which causes your body to lose fluids more quickly. Therefore you need to constantly be replenishing your fluids by drinking lots of water to avoid dehydration!

Another helpful reminder is to always apply and reapply sunscreen throughout the day. This may seem like a very simple tip, and that's because it is. However, it's always good to be reminded. Sunburns are no fun at all and can definitely contribute to the reason why you may not be able to cool down. To avoid this make sure to get a sunscreen with at least an SPF of 30 and apply it every few hours.

Let's Get a Little More Creative

I have one word for you. Popsicles. Yup, popsicles are not only a delicious treat, but they can be cool and refreshing on a hot day. They can bring you salvation from the heat that you need. I personally prefer Otter Pops, but get whatever you enjoy most!

Let's get a little scientific! Heat is naturally attracted to dark colors, so outsmart the heat and wear some brighter color clothing to keep some of the heat off of you and your body.

Plan your activities for early morning or evening. It's a good idea to do active things like hiking, biking, or playing outdoor games during the early morning before things really start heating up, or in the evening when things start to cool down to avoid peak heat times.

In between being outside, you can easily cool down in one of our AdVANture vans because they have air conditioning (Just make sure your campsite has the proper plug-ins)!



The heat shouldn't keep you from going camping, you should embrace it! We are lucky enough to live in beautiful warm Colorado, so make the most of it. If you follow these tips you can still have fun in the sun and fully enjoy your summer camping experiences.

Outdoor AdVANtures™ is a Campervan Rental Company based in Denver, Colorado run by people that are passionate about the outdoors, just like you! We offer a fleet of late model, customized vans along with the highest quality outdoor gear designed to make your trip a memorable experience.