The Benefits of Connecting With Nature

Let's be honest, life can be really stressful at times. Every day there are things that cause us humans stress, anxiety, and lack of focus. All these things can really start to wear on you and really get you down. However, what if I told you one of the best ways to combat these everyday issues is connecting with nature! Yes! Connecting with nature and spending time outside is one of the best ways to destress and take a mental break from everything going on in your life. Here are some of the ways that you can start to release some of the tensions in your life just by being outside!

Getting in Tune With Your Surroundings

Here's an interesting technique to help reduce your stress and anxiety. When going on a hike or walk try to really get in touch with your surroundings. By this I mean really get in tune with all of your senses. Really pay attention to the beauty that you are seeing around you. See what sounds you can make out and where they are coming from. Take a mental note of how the sun feels on your skin and if there is a breeze running across your face. Lastly, see if you can make out any smells, like fresh rain or maybe the smell of a flowing river. This is a proven technique to distract your mind and focus on more positive things and be in the moment. In return, you end up feeling more relaxed and comfortable. Try this next time you go for a nice hike!

Fun in the Sun

There's nothing like getting some good ole' vitamin D. Hanging out in the sun actually gives you a boost of vitamin D. Did you know that sunlight and vitamin D can actually make you happier? Well, it's true! Sunlight is known to improve your mood and also help lessen depression symptoms. Keep this in mind next time you are feeling a bit down!

Get Those Creative Juices Flowing

Feeling like you can't focus or like your brain is in a slump? Make sure to plan some time to take a break and simply get outside. When being outside it is said that you can focus much better and become more creative. Think of it as natural caffeine! It's a great idea to plan a camping trip when you are feeling burnt out from work. The trip will get you back in tip top shape and ready to really focus on work when you return!


Everyone gets burnt out and stressed sometimes! It's perfectly normal, but it's the steps you take to recover that are important. My recommendation to recover would be to plan a camping trip and hike or bike ride. Just being outdoors and in nature away from everyday life has so many natural benefits. It will automatically improve your mood and get you back on the path of being productive and focused. So next time you are feeling stressed, don't hesitate to take a much needed break and revisit nature.